Specialist Care Fees Advice

The reality of funding care

Thanks to advances in medicine and a better overall quality of life, people are now living longer than ever before.

The downside of this however, is a higher prevalence of serious illness and disability in later life.

Simple tasks such as washing, moving about the house and preparing meals can become more difficult, and in many cases, professional care can be the only solution.

If you have a partner then the Local Authority will expect you to contribute all of your State Pension and at least 50% of any Personal or Company pensions you may have.

The other 50% may be disregarded providing it is paid to your partner in order that they can afford to continue to live at home.

Approximately one in three people will need long term residential care at some stage in their lives and the costs can be high:

The average annual fees for residential care for 2009/10 is £24,908 which increases to £34,788*

This years figures increased by 2.6% on average from last year*.

*Source: Laing and Buisson – Care of Elderly People 2009

mother and daughterLong Term Care Fees Planning & Advice

When a loved one can no longer cope alone and needs to move into long term residential or nursing care, this is an extremely stressful time for all concerned.

If you are adjudged to be ‘self funding’ you will find very little help from your local authority, but where do you turn to for help and financial advice?

Care home fees can be very expensive and often the family home will need to be sold in order to meet the costs.

If care costs are met from savings or investments, or perhaps with help from families, there is a real possibility of running out of money, particularly if the person requires care for much longer than expected.

Not all financial advisers are qualified to give advice in this highly complex area of financial planning.

You need to talk to a specialist adviser who can talk sensitively to you and guide you through the various planning methods that will ensure, that the care fees will be met and as much of the estate as possible can be persevered for future generations.

We will ensure that you are claiming all the benefits you are entitled to and signpost you to other professional advisers to ensure all your needs are catered for.

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